Information has value: How does text messaging affect teen literacy
Information has value in this framework means that:
Know intellectual properties
Cite all sources
Avoid plagiarism
Be able to differentiate between copyright, open access and free domain.
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These are educational images, from one of the
researcher's blog which is an open access as everyone can open and debate on
the topic. The researcher has also cited all the works that have been
Transcript of how does text messaging affects teen literacy
How does text
messaging affect teen literacy? Another way teen literacy is affected
is how teens begin forgetting grammar
rules. They use sentences but with no commas, apostrophes, question marks.
Teen literacy is also affected because teens begin relying on auto correct to spell words.
Or they think they are spelling words correct but
auto-correct has already corrected it for them. How does text messaging affect teen literacy??? Text messaging affects teen literacy in many
ways. More teens begin to shorten words by
cutting out letters or replacing the correct
letters with other letters.
is how teens begin forgetting grammar
rules. They use sentences but with no commas, apostrophes, question marks.
Teen literacy is also affected because teens begin relying on auto correct to spell words.
Or they think they are spelling words correct but
auto-correct has already corrected it for them. How does text messaging affect teen literacy??? Text messaging affects teen literacy in many
ways. More teens begin to shorten words by
cutting out letters or replacing the correct
letters with other letters.
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We can all agree that technology is here to stay. Barring an apocalypse that sends us back to the Stone Age, our dependency on our devices will only increase in the upcoming years. Each year brings exciting and innovative advances in technology that makes all of our lives much easier and more connected. However, the shocking surge in texting among teens is a legitimate cause for concern when analyzing their school work. It won’t take you long to see texting grammar used in messages from your children or even in social media posts. But what about their school work?
We can all agree that technology is here to stay. Barring an apocalypse that sends us back to the Stone Age, our dependency on our devices will only increase in the upcoming years. Each year brings exciting and innovative advances in technology that makes all of our lives much easier and more connected. However, the shocking surge in texting among teens is a legitimate cause for concern when analyzing their school work. It won’t take you long to see texting grammar used in messages from your children or even in social media posts. But what about their school work?
These are types of educational
material that anyone can use freely, copy and share. More information about their copyright is
outlined below:
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational
materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The
nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy,
use, adapt and re-share them. OERs range from textbooks to curricula, syllabi,
lecture notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video and animation.
Leaning outcomes
Students will be able to cite and differentiate between different sources.
Students will understand the importance of information.
Students will understand that information possesses several dimensions
Students will be given a topic with different sources, they will be asked to identify the differences between the sources they used and cite all the works.
"Information possesses several dimensions" Students will be divided into groups and write a short paragraph on the dimensions i.e Commodity, education and Influence.
Students will be able to cite and differentiate between different sources.
Students will understand the importance of information.
Students will understand that information possesses several dimensions
Students will be given a topic with different sources, they will be asked to identify the differences between the sources they used and cite all the works.
"Information possesses several dimensions" Students will be divided into groups and write a short paragraph on the dimensions i.e Commodity, education and Influence.
This lesson plan is incomplete. You need to add the activities for each learning outcome.
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