Research as a Strategic Exploration

Searching as a strategic exploration

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Research is a process that involves inquiry and encourage students to go through different steps, take different approaches and use different tools to gather information.

Research topic:  How does text messaging affect teen literacy?

Learning Outcomes

1.  Students will learn the use of keywords when searching for information

2.  Students will be able to use Boolean Operrors

3.  Students will be able to search and locate   information from different sources

4.  Students will be able to evaluate information  and its sources.


1.  Students will be asked to identify the keywords on the given topic when searching for information.

2.  Students will be grouped into 3 and use Boolean operators, one group will  use "AND", 2nd group "OR" and the last group "NOT", the presenter in each group will explain the difference and why they used that specific boolean operator.

3.  Students will be asked to use "OPAC" to search for information by the author, title, keywords, bibliographic number, once found the location number they will have to find the book on the shelf.

4.  Students will be asked to check and compare what other scholars or researchers say about the topic, check the articles and the book reviews on the internet.

Activity 1 - will help the students to find specific information

Activity 2 - The use of Boolean operators will also assist the students to find specific information by combining, exclude or adding to their search.  This will prevent getting unwanted results.

Activity 3 - Students will learn different ways of searching for information and be able to identify the difference between fiction and non-fiction and how the library material is arranged.

Activity 4 -  Students will understand that not all information is reliable and it might not be relevant to the topic


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