
Showing posts from September, 2017

Authority is constructed and contextual

 Authority is constructed and contextual   Research topic:  Substance Abuse (Children and Adults) Learning outcomes:     Students should be able to define different types of authority such as subject expertise, society position, or special experience. Use markers of authority to determine the credibility of sources Recognize that authoritative content may be packaged formally or informally and may include audio visuals and non print sources.  Materials needed 1.  Internet, books and academic journals 2.  Special experience 3.  Audio visuals Learning activities  1 Activity  -   Different types of authority - The class will be divided into two groups, given different topics "substance abuse in children", and substance abuse in adults".  Students will be required not to only rely in books and internet but also to have talks with the people that have information on the topic (special experience),  and they must be able to to defined different types of

Threshold Concept: Research as inquiry

Research as Inquiry Research topic:  "Text messaging affecting teen literacy?" Students:  Postgraduates Learning outcomes: *  Students will be able to formulate research questions based on data available *  Students will be able to communicate effectively, collaborate and learn from each other *  Students will be able to locate and evaluate information and its source. Activity 1 Formulating a research question is the first step in research.  Students will be given one research question whereby they will have to come up with the questions like, what, who, what and how and start looking for resources that are related to the topic. Activity 2 Class will be divided into two groups, one will discuss for and the other against the topic "text messaging affecting teen literacy".  Students will be asked to go out to get information from educators and librarians based on the topic.  The second activity on this learning outcome would be a play, students will take

Lesson Plan “Scholarship as a conversation”

05 September 2017 Lesson Plans Target group: First year students Course:  Bibliographic of Information Science Research topic - " Information literacy in Public Libraries" Duration: 1 hour Learning outcomes 1.  Research strategy -  students will be able to search for information, using search strategies and the search engines. Be able to narrow or broaden their search according to their information needs. 2.  Students will understand that information has a value, it educates, influencing and it has an impact in people's lives.  The value of information includes acknowledging contributions made by others. 3. Evaluate information - the use of different resources can create confusion, some material can give different answers to the same topic.  Students will be able to evaluate resources using appropriate criteria. Activities 1.  Allow each group to search for information from different  sources for the same topic,  and combine all the information o

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for higher education

Scholarship as a conversation At first I was confused with this context because one word can have different meanings.  I had to look for the definition of scholarship in information  literacy to understand the context, it says that scholarship is a significant, creative, original engagement with an idea, which include  research that advances theoretical knowledge  or the production of a work or art.  Conversation is defined as a spoken conversation between two people or more, sharing ideas, opinions, and feelings I came up with the better understanding that scholarship as a conversation is based on taking ideas of others and combine them into a readable document, the other definition is where the ideas are created, debated and weighed against one another over extended period of time e.g. when we do our research projects we search for what other researchers or theorists say about that particular topic, we then combine that information and add our opinions and feelings with the