Lesson Plan “Scholarship as a conversation”
05 September 2017
Lesson Plans
Research topic - " Information literacy in Public Libraries"Lesson Plans
Target group: First year students
Course: Bibliographic of Information Science
Duration: 1 hour
Learning outcomes
1. Research strategy - students will be able to search for information, using search strategies and the search engines. Be able to narrow or broaden their search according to their information needs.
2. Students will understand that information has a value, it educates, influencing and it has an impact in people's lives. The value of information includes acknowledging contributions made by others.
3. Evaluate information - the use of different resources can create confusion, some material can give different answers to the same topic. Students will be able to evaluate resources using appropriate criteria.
1. Allow each group to search for information from different sources for the same topic, and combine all the information obtained e.g one group will search on the internet, 2nd group will search in the books and the last group will search all the articles related to the topic and present the results.
2. Sharing ideas - each group will talk about the author's contributions to the topic and what they have learn during the activity. Give credit to each other and acknowledge all the sources they used.
3. Participating in the blog - The students will be invited to talk about the topic in the blog and share ideas, and their search results will be shared on the blog. Participants on the blog doesn't have to agree to each other, students are allowed to disagree, comment, add on what other students say. This is also used to check their understanding of the topic to ensure that all are in the same page. Students will be able to evaluate the relevance of information and the contribution made by others, not all information on internet is true and even on debates people will say things the way the understands it, not that it is always right. Students must be able to evaluate all the information obtained form different sources.
After the lesson the students will also see themselves as contributors not just the consumers because they will all take part in the research by using their knowledge, the way they see information Literacy by quoting the information they retrieved. The will realise that their research topic is filled with their information, information from the internet, articles, books (authors citing each other's work) and etc
I like the idea of students doing a blog!
ReplyDeleteThe relationship between your learning outcomes and your activities is not clearly articulated. You also did not show the which knowledge practices link with the activities.